Guan yin divination lot

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Guan Yin Oracle Fortune Telling - 100 Lots Interpretation. Guanyin Oracle, also known as Kuan Yin Oracle, is a divination practice that involves seeking guidance and insight from the deity Guanyin who is revered in East Asian …. 100 Guan Yin Lot Explained For Your Life - Dougles Chan. Guan Yin Lot Interpretation - Ding Qian Feng Shui …. This lot depicts the phenomenon of harmony of yin and yang. (Note: In the Chinese Book of Changes, the character ‘yin’ means the female principle, also means ‘moon’, ‘shade’ and ‘negative’ and the character ‘yang’ …. Guan Yin Lot 1 plus Celestial Meanings from the Book …. The interpretation for this lot of 15 different aspects of your life. 1. 家宅 Homestead: Family blessing. 2. 自身 Self: Offer prayers. 3. 求财 Wealth: Seeking wealth in autumn and winter

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Lots of the Oracle; Tarot. Major Arcana; Minor Arcana; Myths, Legends and Magic . Mythical Creatures; Amazing Flora; Divine Beings; …. Lot 11 To Lot 20 Of 100 Guan Yi Lot Divination (Kuan Yin Lot .. This page provides a comprehensive overview of the next 10 Guan Yin lot Divination (Kuan Yin Lot, Aka as Kwan Yin Lot), starting with Lot 11 and continuing …. How To Seek Kuan Yin Oracle Fortune Telling 100 …. How to Seek Kuan Yin Oracle Fortune Telling 100 Divine Lots Interpretation. The Kuan Yin Oracle fortune-telling 100 Divine Lots interpretation at the Goddess of Mercy Temple is popular with devotees. …. Lot 19 – Just Simply Awesome. Divination . Sortilege. Guan Yin Oracle. Lots of the Oracle; Tarot. Major Arcana; Minor Arcana; Myths, Legends and Magic . Mythical Creatures; Amazing Flora; Divine Beings; …. Lot 6 – Just Simply Awesome. Divination . Sortilege. Guan Yin Oracle. Lots of the Oracle; Tarot. Major Arcana; Minor Arcana; Myths, Legends and Magic . Mythical Creatures; Amazing Flora; Divine Beings; …. Guan Yin Oracle: the 100 divine lots. Lot 27 - Access Chinese. Guanyin StatueShop on AliExpress. Guan Yin Oracle Fortune Telling: 100 lots. Guan Yins Book of Divination. Goddess of mercy and compassion.. How to ask for a Divination from Guanyin Goddess of Mercy. Picture 1 - Divination lots 灵签 There is a procedure which I find best to ask for a divination from the Goddess of Mercy. There are 100 divination lots placed in a …. Lot 74 – Just Simply Awesome. 回到灵签百首/Back to 100 Lots. 吉凶 /Auspice 下 Inauspicious. 宫位 /House 巳 Si (Snake) 典故 /Allegory 秦败擒三帅 Qin Mugong defeated and his three generals captured. 签文 …. Lot 47 – Just Simply Awesome


第四十七签/Lot 47. Luck arrives to bring you both rank and fortune. Honor and fame can never be late in coming. Topping an imperial exam to spread your name across the seven seas. – The Imperial Exam was used to select people for offices and positions in the Imperial Court. 锦上添花之象。.. Lot 79 – Just Simply Awesome. 第七十九签/Lot 79. 典故 /Allegory 暗扶倒铜旗 Defeated the Copper Flag Formation from within. Safe and sound you are but yet the promise is not filled. Thou shalt not treat God so carelessly. 信实莫信虚之象。. 凡事守旧之兆也。. Believe what is real and ignore what is false. It is better to let things remain as is.. Lot 19 – Just Simply Awesome

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. 第十九签/Lot 19. Winds and waves roll and surge to no end. Wait for quieter waves as this danger passes. 船行急滩之象。. 凡事守旧待时也。. A boat is sailing in swirling rapids. You must be patient and wait for the right moment to come. Sail the boat in precarious conditions. Wait for your moment in treacherous times.. Lot 1 – Just Simply Awesome. 第一签/Lot 1. -In Taoism, a popular religion among Chinese, “Tao (道)” refers to the Way of Enlightenment

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To achieve the way is to become an immortal. -成道,成仙的意思。. Everything is in place as the right hour calls. A King’s rewards, the loyal and upright will claim. 盘古初开天地之象。.. Lot 29 – Just Simply Awesome. 第二十九签/Lot 29. No dust or filth can make its shine frazzles. A might and power for all to hear. 宝剑出匣之象。. 凡事有威有势也。

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. A powerful sword is drawn from its sheath. A show of power and might. The supreme sword is drawn, dazzling many for miles. With guidance from a distinguished person, all will be good to behold.. How To Seek Kuan Yin Oracle Fortune Telling 100 Divine Lots. The Kuan Yin Oracle – Fortune Telling 100 Divine Lots Interpretation Madam Cheah Tong Long’s religious goods stall has been in business for over 30 years at the same spot. After inheriting the divine oracle’s gift of interpretation of Kuan Yin 100 Divine Lots Interpretation from her father-in-law, she became a seer.. Lot 94 – Just Simply Awesome. 第九十四签/Lot 94. Whose conduct show their faults and differences. Remain and quietly wait for the rare company. 要逢知己之象。. 凡事守常则吉也。. One will meet a genuine and mutual friend. Maintain things as-is and everything will turn out right. Stay away from gossips and wait for a mutual friend who knows and understands .. Lot 95 – Just Simply Awesome. 第九十五签/Lot 95. Rome was not built in a day. Let no woman nor wine buries your way. Money and fortune will soon be called. 志气功名之象。. 凡事守常大吉也。. Work hard to fulfill your ambitions. Maintain things as-is and everything will turn out very well. Determine your goals, keep at it.. Lot 16 – Just Simply Awesome. 第十六签/Lot 16. 回到灵签百首/Back to 100 Lots. 吉凶/Auspice 中 Neutral. 宫位/House 卯 Mao(Rabbit) 典故/Allegory 叶梦熊朝帝 Ye Meng Xiong met the Emperor. 签文/Lot Verse 愁眉思虑暂时开 启出云霄喜自来 宛如粪土中藏玉 良工荐举出尘埃 Put aside your worries and sorrows, As the clouds clear, joy .. Lot 30 – Just Simply Awesome. 第三十签/Lot 30. Beware of a hidden arrow disguised as a flying crane. With venom that brings none but grief. 安份守己之象。


凡事小心谨防也。. Be content with your lot, do not be ambitious. You must be careful and take precautions. Keep your mouth shut.. Lot 8 – Just Simply Awesome. 第八签/Lot 8. No rain, snow, wind or frost can make them perish. A bulwark of society would be his mantle

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. 松柏茂林之象。. 凡事有贵气也。. Cypresses and pine trees are growing in abundance. There is an air of nobility in everything. A …. Lot 45 – Just Simply Awesome

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. 第四十五签/Lot 45. 回到灵签百首/Back to 100 Lots. 吉凶/Auspice 上 Auspicious. 宫位/House 戌 Xu(Dog) 典故/Allegory 仁宗认母 Emperor Renzhong acknowledged his mother. 签文/Lot Verse 温柔自古胜刚强 积善之门大吉昌 若是有人占此卦 宛如正渴遇琼浆 The tender and kind will overcome the strong and violent.

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. Lot 50 – Just Simply Awesome. 满船宝贝喜层层. Sail as you please, across the world’s lakes and oceans, With sails hoisted high, the ship moves on. A good wind will soon herald its arrival, A ship’s hull fills with troves of treasures. 签意 /Meaning. 顺风撑船之象。. 凡事皆顺大吉也。. A ship sailing with a …. Lot 34 – Just Simply Awesome. 第三十四签/Lot 34. Speak and act with honesty and sincerity. As bright as the rays of the Sun will be. 红日当空正照之象。. 凡事遂意也。

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. The Sun shines brightly in the middle of the day. Everything will be as you wish. Do not burden the heart needlessly


It is clear and tranquil like waters in autumn.

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. Guan Yin Oracle: the 100 divine lots. Lot 76 - Access Chinese. 1. Translation from the ancient Chinese text. In a swamp together live a fish and a dragon. Both hide in the deep waiting for the lucky day

. Some day their chance will eventually come. Over the Royal Dragon Gate they pass in one leap. Though you have laid a slid foundation, your favorable time is not yet come..

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